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Get some of the most up to date resources created for you, the expecting dad. Click the icon below to schedule a call.

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The fathers we work with develop the skills needed to advocate for his partner himself and the needs of the family.


Designed to empower fathers to take a more active role and not limiting dad to be "a fixture on the wall".  

Fathers are given several tools to assist in effectively communicating with members of the birth team.


To provide the best advocacy and communication it is necessary to refill your cup. Our fathers are educated on practical ways to refill his cup so he can show up best for the family.

Prenatal Education
Getting your house in order

It’s best to show up with a tie and not need one than to not have a tie and need it. Preparation is key. We'll cover tips on how to hit the ground running as we plan for the months to come.​​​

Building The Birth Team

Dads learn who’s who, what role each person plays, and why he is also a vital part of the birth team.

The Scoop on the Birth Plan

Every man can appreciate a plan. Birth is no exception. Understand your partner’s preferences and how to help stick to them and navigate the unexpected.

Partner Education
Birthing Options

Hospitals are the most common places for birth, sometimes there can be alternatives. We will discuss them so your family can choose what's best.

Stages Of Labor

Fathers will become familiar with what to expect on “Labor Day”.

Comfort Measures

Every man can appreciate a plan. Birth is no exception. Understand your partner’s preferences and how to help stick to them and navigate the unexpected.

Postpartum Education​
Postpartum Care

Dads learn who’s who, what role each person plays, and why he is also a vital part of the birth team.

Babycare 101

Fathers will become familiar with what to expect on “Labor Day”.

The Hey Black Dad Rite of Passage

It’s the culminating moment to celebrate and welcome new and expecting fathers.

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